(Closed) Speicial Issue on International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (EI/ESCI)

(Closed) Speicial Issue on International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (EI/ESCI)

Journal:  International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (EI/ESCI)

Special Issue: Recent Advances on Multi-Objective Optimization for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on Semantic Web

Submission Deadline: 2023.3.31

URL: https://www.igi-global.com/calls-for-papers-special/international-journal-swarm-intelligence-research/1149


    Semantic Web (SW) dedicates to implement the automatic co-operations among different intelligent applications based on knowledge modeling techniques, such as ontology and Knowledge Graph (KG). To the end, it is necessary to integrate the knowledge and information in different ontologies or KGs. However, different ontologies or KGs were usually developed by different purposes and maintained by different knowledge engineers or domain experts. The subjective of human being un-avoidable lead to the data heterogeneity issue among different ontologies or KGs. To address this issue, it is necessary to find out the entity correspondences between two ontologies or KGs, which is so-called ontology matching or KG matching. Due to the complex intrinsic of the matching process, the alignment optimization oriented methodology gradually attracts more and more attentions. Optimization problems relating with ontology matching often give ride to Multi=Objective Optimization (MOO) formulations where multiple desirable objectives compete with each other and the decision maker has to select one of the tradeoff solutions. These multiple objectives may conflict with each other. For example, the completeness of the alignment conflicts with its correctness. With the growing scale of ontology or KG and the richness of terminologies' semantic, how effectively and efficiently find the non-dominated ontology alignments for different decision making process becomes a great challenge.

    This special issue aims at bringing together articles that discuss recent advances of MOO methods, such as the Evolutionary Algorithms, Bio-Inspired Heuristics Algorithms, Stochastic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic based Algorithms, Miscellaneous Algorithms., for SW's Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration.

Recommended Topics

  • Evolutionary Algorithms and Differential Evolution Algorithms for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on SW

  • Bio-Inspired Heuristics Algorithms for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on SW

  • Stochastic Algorithms for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on SW

  • Fuzzy Logic based Algorithms for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on SW

  • Miscellaneous Algorithms for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on SW

  • Machine Learning for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on SW

  • Neural networks for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on SW

  • Optimization-based Artificial Intelligence for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on SW

  • Practical applications of MOO methods and algorithms in various engineering problem

Submission Procedure 

    Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Recent Advances on Multi-Objective Optimization for Information Fusion and Knowledge Integration on Semantic Web on or before March 31st, 2023. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at http://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/before-you-write/. All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations. This is a full open access journal. Authors of manuscripts that are accepted to publish in this special issue will be expected to pay the article processing charge.

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