(Closed)Special Session on IIH-MSP 2017 (EI)

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(Closed)Special Session on IIH-MSP 2017 (EI)

 Closed for submission 


Conference:  The Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2017)

Session Chairs:   Isao Echizen, Ching-Yu YangHsiang-Cheh Huang, Xingsi Xue 

Submission Deadline:  February 20, 2017

URL:   http://bit.kuas.edu.tw/~iihmsp17/


Invited Sessions

In IIH-MSP-2017, a number of organized/invited sessions are planned. If you are interested in proposing an invited session, please contact one of Invited Session Chairs before February 20, 2017.


Invited Session Chairs:


Prof. Isao Echizen, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Prof. Ching-Yu Yang, National Penghu University, Taiwan

Prof. Hsiang-Cheh Huang, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Prof. Xingsi Xue, University of Birmingham, UK

Note that planning an invited session involves the specification of:


A session title describing an investigated topic with few words

A brief description explaining the main guidelines

A proposition of some expert names with affiliations in the domain of interest

Organization of an invited session with 4 to 10 papers