(Closed)Special Session on ECC-2018 (EI)

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(Closed)Special Session on ECC-2018 (EI)

 Closed for submission 


Conference:  The Fifth Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications (ECC-2018)

Session Chairs:  Xiao-qiang Xi, Tsu-Yang Wu,  Gang-yi Ding,  Xing-si Xue,  Hong Zhang

Submission Deadline:  July 30, 2018

URL:   http://ecc2018.xupt.edu.cn/Invited_Sessions.htm


ECC-2018 is an international conference for those who are interested in intelligent data analysis and applications. While the conference name has intelligent and the papers used to focus on data analysis and applications, we are well aware of the increasing importance of artificial intelligence such as intelligent computation and machining learning, and very opento contributions from peers working on signal, image, video and audio processing, etc. In collaboration with committee members and colleagues, we have started organizing ECC-2018in Xi'an, which is a modern metropolis in the northwest part of China. As a capital of ancient China for over thirteen dynasties, Xi'an is home to many historical attractions, including the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, and the Bell Tower at the city center that synchronized daily activities of many past generations.

This website is under active development. The homepage has been posted with important dates. More information will be released, such as keynote speakers and various events, andnew features will be tested. Your suggestions are absolutely welcome. Soon, we will start fund-raising, and do need your contacts and lobbying! It is underlined that monetary leverageis highly desirable, especially to support students who are the future of intelligent data analysis and applications. Looking forward to seeing you in Xi’an!

Invited Session Chairs                                  

Prof. Xiao-qiang Xi(xxq@xupt.edu.cn), Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China.                                     

Prof. Tsu-Yang Wu (wutsuyang@gmail.com),Fujian University of Technology, China.                                  

Prof. Gang-yi Ding(dgy@bit.edu.cn), Beijing Institute of Technology, China.                                 

Prof.Xing-si Xue(jack8375@gmail.com), Fujian University of Technology, China.                                  

Prof. Hong Zhang(zhmlsa@xupt.edu.cn), Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

In ECC-2018, a number of invited sessions are planned. If you are interested in proposing an invited session,

please contact the Invited Session Chairs before July 30, 2018.                                  

Note that planning an invited session involves the specification of:                                     

A session title describing an investigated topic with few words                                     

A brief description explaining the main guidelines                                     

A proposition of some expert names with affiliations in the domain of interest                         

Organization of an invited session with 5 to 10 papers